Angelina and Brad's Bundle of Joy?

Baby Shiloh is a stunner, no suprise considering how beautiful her parents are, but am I the only one who feels that they seem like the two unhappiest people on the planet?
Now I know that sounds like I'm just being mean, but I'm really being honest. Brad always looks like he ate a lemon as he follows two feet behind Angie whenever they venture out in public and she treats him like one of her children instead of the sexiest man alive!
I thought that maybe once the baby came onboard they'd let loose and go a little crazy with joy and passion, but after watching their press conference last night regarding her blessed birth I think they showed more energy when they shilled for the release of Mr.& Mrs. Smith. They were lifeless as they sat FAR apart from each other.
Now one of the biggest things I look for when I see couples out and about is BODY LANGUAGE, how a hand is placed on an arm or how a women leans into a man as he speaks, all very important and telling, one of the first things my clients ask is how to know if someone is interested once they are on a date, body language is my constant answer. How that special someone relates physically to a potential mate explains it all, moving closer to touch a knee? They like you.
Sneaking back a bit as they tell you that boring story for the third time? It's time to RUN AWAY!
So I'll be watching closely how the proud new parents hold themselves in the next few months, here's hoping that love fills all their hearts and souls with endless joy.
I'm just hoping it lights a lil' fire under their picture perfect butts too!
totally agree!
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