Some of Matt's Mottos when it comes to dating:
1. Listen. It sounds simple enough, but I can't tell you the number of people who come to me and say they don't get a second date. The first question I ask "Did you really participate in the first one?" So many times we are trying to make sure we look perfect and act perfect, we forget to be ourselves, to pay attention to the other person and to make sure the man/women sitting across from us really knows we are interested.
2. Turn off your blackberry, palm pilot, trio or cell phone, or at least put in on vibrate! That's right to all of you popular people, if you are on a date, act like it. I can't stand sitting across from someone only to see the top of her head because she is frantically texting messages to someone who must more important than me. If you are SOOO important that you must be on-call 24/7 take your device to the bathroom or step outside to return a call. But, if you can help it, avoid it at all costs.
3. Make sure you are at your best for your first date. Don't go out when you know you won't have time to look and feel your best. No one will love you, unless you take the time to love yourself! Get a manicure, pedicure, workout, go for a run or shop before your big night. If you can't do that, at least take a few minutes for yourself before you show up to meet someone important. The last thing anyone wants to be is another appointment in your blackberry!
4. Act like a man! I have said it before and I will say it again. The fastest way to lose a woman is to act like one. If you need to whine or complain or just act weak - call your mom, your therapist or your matchmaker! Just don't show a woman you aren't a man.
5. Leave it at the door! The best way to ensure you will never see a guy again is to sleep with him on the first date. That's right, we want you, but we don't REALLY want you right away. We want you to play hard to get, it may sound old-fashioned, but it's true. Ignore what we say when you are in your hottest little black dress...we are weak!!!! Forgive us and leave your first date at the door!!!!
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