Why Hasn't He Called?

Why didn’t he call when he said he would? Why wasn’t there a
second date? What was he thinking when he asked you out to begin with?
Maybe he was a player, feeding you lines, enduring dinner and a movie
just to get you into a compromising situation. Or maybe he was a diamond in the rough, and wondering what you were thinking – when you were acting too pushy, moving too fast, interrogating, alienating, and just plain no fun to be with, right now, let alone for a second time.
For the thousands of sexy, smart, single women who deserve to be in satisfying relationships, Why Hasn’t He Called: How Guys Really Think and How to Get the Right One Interested in You (McGraw-Hill; February,
2008; PB, $16.95) is a wake-up call to the behaviors, challenges, and mistakes that lead them to countless wasted hours – even minutes! – on men that aren’t worth the investment. In between are lessons,
anecdotes, and keys that will get you to Date #2 feeling confident, sure, and strong.
The book opens with a love triangle between a man, his wife and his girlfriend – a scenario that turns into disaster after disaster. The man? Author Matt Titus, a reformed “ultimate player,” recalling the
events in his life just moments before he lost it all. As the truths of his behavior finally hit home, he vows “to never be disrespectful, deceitful or unfaithful to another woman.”
Only a player can spot a fellow player dressed up as a nice guy – or a sincere and true gentleman, who maybe needs a little polishing. Only a player can spot a reformed player, or “the player who has to be benched.” (As a former married man who ventured outside his marriage and onto the playing field, Titus can spot one of those, too.)
Since then, he’s met his match in Tamsen Fadal, his significant other (soon to-be-wife this October), co-author, and partner in New York based dating service Matt’s Little Black Book http://www.mattslittleblackbook.com. He is also an expert on www.SassyBean.com, which provides some of New York’s most eligible singles with a venue to meet and discuss the many facets of love and romance.
The he said/she said format of Why Hasn’t He Called gives you both sides of the romantic story – and will only further your chances for a successful relationship with the right guy. Titus clues women in on what goes through a man’s head when he looks at you for the first time, what turns him on, what he thinks when he
walks into your home, and what will make him run for the hills, while Tamsen dishes on where to look for men, how to dress and show off yourself to right one, and how to proceed when you’re finally ready to take him home.
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