Sunday, September 12, 2010
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Why Hasn't He Proposed? Diamond Ring Sweepstakes

And because we are excited about making love happen, we are giving you the chance to win a DIAMOND RING!!! That's right all you have to do is sign up...we would also LOVE to hear your dream proposal!
We are also giving away DIAMOND EARRINGS and copies our books, WHY HASN'T HE CALLED? and WHY HASN'T HE PROPOSED?
Labels: diamond ring, matt titus, sweepstakes, tamsen fadal, why hasn't he called?, why hasn't he proposed? book
Friday, January 09, 2009
Why Hasn't He Proposed? Book Release!!!!

Did you expect a proposal over the holiday weekend but it never came? Not to worry! it goes...Tamsen and I are excited to present to you: Why Hasn't He Proposed?
Today, I was on her station, WPIX where she hosts Totally Tamsen---I am a proud hubbie! I was joined by Diana Falzone who offered relationship advice from a female's point-of-view.
In the book, we give you the FOOL PROOF PLAN TO GETTING YOUR MAN TO PROPOSE! No nagging...threatening or ultimatums!
But first, you have to figure out if he's truly "Mr. Right" or simply "altarphobic.
Check it out and let me know what you think...I hope it helps! Why Hasn't He Proposed is set on helping you achieve the perfect "happily after all" with your loved one.
Labels: authors, couple, pix 11, tamsen fadal, why hasn't he proposed? matt titus, wpix
Friday, December 19, 2008
Relationship Advice Via Video !!!!

has launched and we are ready to answer all of your love and relationship questions. Whether you are trying to figure out what a guy is thinking or how to dress for a date, we have the answer....
Check it out!
Labels:, matt titus, tamsen fadal
Monday, October 13, 2008
How a Bad Economy Can Actually Improve Your Romantic Life
Friday, September 05, 2008
It's Not You, it's Me!!!
Labels: date coaching, dating boot camp, FORBES.COM, matt titus, why hasn't he called?